7/29 (水) に行われた Tokyo HoloLens ミートアップ vol.21 の懇親会でいただいた
ふたつの質問について、製品チームのキャメロンさん (@tcmicka) から回答を頂いたので、こちらに掲載します!
MRTK-Unreal のロードマップ
質問)MRTK-Unreal のロードマップについて。MRTK-Unity と同じ路線で進化するのか、それとも独自路線?
(MRTK-Unreal 0.8 現在では、今のところ、先に開発されている MRTK-Unity に追従する感じで進んでいますが、その後、長い目で見たらどうなるの?という質問)
The long-term roadmap for MRTK-Unreal is to achieve parity with MRTK-Unity.
At the moment we are focusing on the most commonly used features and controls.
But, as development continues we will add to UX Tools and create new plugins under MRTK-Unreal (for example a spectator view plugin).
At the moment we are focusing on the most commonly used features and controls.
But, as development continues we will add to UX Tools and create new plugins under MRTK-Unreal (for example a spectator view plugin).
質問)MRTK-Unreal と MRTK-Unity の両者の性能の違いはある?
Our goal is to have the same performance between Unity and Unreal (I would expect in the near future Unreal may be a bit faster on average since writing multi-threaded code is a bit easier in Unreal).
We have a few performance recommends for Unreal listed online, and I expect these recommendations to mature over time.
We don’t currently have a MRTK/Standard shader equivalent in Unreal.
But, that is something I hope to develop soon to improve the graphics performance in Unreal.
We have a few performance recommends for Unreal listed online, and I expect these recommendations to mature over time.
We don’t currently have a MRTK/Standard shader equivalent in Unreal.
But, that is something I hope to develop soon to improve the graphics performance in Unreal.
他にフィードバックとして、Unreal Engine を使った HoloLens 2 開発についての動画でのチュートリアルが欲しいという声もいただきました。
(公式チュートリアルは動画ではなく記事形式なので: https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/mixed-reality/unreal-uxt-ch1)